
Bleeding love
Bleeding love

bleeding love

In particular, although with a focus on the LBT community, the comparative research collected more general and significant data on the prevention of domestic and dating violence in the selected jurisdictions. Moreover, the comparative research resulted in a new comprehensive and detailed understanding of issues such as domestic and dating violence against LBT. This may eventually encourage the creation of ad hoc formative and educational initiatives for professionals. The research and the final conference led to the development of more grounded and effective techniques to be adopted by lawyers, judges and social service providers facing episodes of violence against LBT women. The project is expected to have practical and theoretical long-term impact. Finally, the final conference, with its broad scope on gender-based violence, offered the opportunity for all stakeholders involved to become aware of bottom-up initiatives on the topic. Furthermore, the project encouraged active participation, contacts and exchange of information between political actors, legal professionals and civil society. The project also provided a readable publication for LBT persons in general, dearly needed for improving the awareness of women themselves who are or are at risk of becoming victims of violence.

bleeding love

The project contributed to raising awareness and increasing knowledge among judges, lawyers and social service providers on intimate partnership violence between lesbians and dating violence against trans women in all the jurisdictions involved.

  • A European photo competition with its own website, and two awareness raising videos developed to raise awareness on intimate violence between female same-sex partners and dating violence against transwomen.
  • A Twitter profile where individuals were encouraged to share or report violent incidences.
  • National awareness raising campaigns supported by a publication for citizens and an online blog where partners in the project shared research findings and other relevant information.
  • Comparative research analysing good practices regarding domestic and dating violence, conducted by the national governments or the civil society in the participating countries.
  • The project consisted of the following core activities: Finally, it provided baseline data on these topics and called for a subsequent research in the European Union. Secondly, it considered good practices which were in place in the countries analysed, and agencies and institutions mandated to tackle domestic and dating violence.

    bleeding love

    In this case, particular attention was directed at analysing whether there were differences in the definition of domestic and dating violence in the selected jurisdictions, and what were the specifics of domestic violence in female same-sex partnerships and dating violence against trans women. The study achieved three main objectives: firstly, it looked at the causes of violence and the manner in which such violence is manifested. In achieving its goal, the present project developed several awareness raising activities aiming at broaden mutual understanding of domestic and dating violence against lesbians and transwomen in the selected jurisdictions. The project aimed at contributing to the prevention of domestic and dating violence against lesbians and transwomen in selected countries in Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Belgium, Portugal and United Kingdom.

    Bleeding love